Sunday, 27 February 2011

love letter

Dear Jean;
All this time together has been perfect. I remembered the first time that we met..I went with my family to the beach, I´d have gone to Santander but my parents insisted on going to Canarias.
I´ll never forget this broad-shouldered, with his incredible brown hair, his big green eyes, warm-heart and funny boy that i found in these magical place
Now there it seem to be that it was the destiny which made that we stayed in the same hotel and than we met there. We spocke face to face and quickly I felt lovesick as you say "in love, one and one are one"
But now the summer is over and I must return to my place however, I don´t want to forget the unforgettable moments I lived with you going for walks along this wonderful beach.
So please, don´t let me forget you!, keep on writing me! don´t forget that there won´t be anyone who loves you so much as I do

1 comment:

  1. I remembered (PROBABLY PRESENT)warm-heartED, these magical place??? spocke???


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