Thursday, 7 October 2010

funny story

this story happened 5 or 6 years ago. I stayed in my village with my friends and we were playing hide and seek. I was going to hide with a friend and we saw a perfect place,ther were a lot of big plants. Befor i had nouticed, my friend ran to them and suddely i heard a terrible shout. When i went to see what´s going on, i saw that she had fallen in a really big hole of about 4 meters down. As it was dark anyone was out and i had to help her, although i was about to foll into the ground.When she finally went out, we saw that she was full with nettles and we had to bathe her in vinager. Luckly , she was completly recobered from that incident.

1 comment:

  1. Careful with missing Es, nouticed...,foll, recoVered, Well done.


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